Friday 9 August 2013

Exclusive ONE NIGHT '4Minute Party Rock' Concert!

I think my Australian readers will be very happy about this! Especially all my Sydney-siders! HEY GUYS!!!! :D

EEEEKK I am so excited about this concert! I actually found out during class when one of my friends shown me the above poster from facebook. I couldn't concentrate for the last half hour of class but heyyy 4MINUTE!! I'M PRETTY SURE EVERYONE ELSE FREAKED OUT JUST AS MUCH AS I DID.

So in a nutshell! Here are the info.

Artist: 4Minute + Special guest.
Date: September 1st, 2013.
Venue: Metro Theatre Sydney.
Cost: $139 (All standing)
Attendancee: 1000 fans

There are no info on when this concert will start or how long it will go for (as of now).
But tickets can be reserved if you guys are very keen on going. You can send a facebook message to Media Asia and they also have a very awesome deal happening so i'd definitely check that out! I've also ordered through them ^_^
You may mention my name (Jeanny) if you'd like but it's based on a first message, first reservation format. And also a first pay, get your ticket first format. AND the concert is also based on a 'first come, first serve' format. SO GET IN QUICK!

The tickets for this event will officially start selling on Monday, 12th September at 4PM. So you may also head into Media Asia to pay and collect your tickets.

There will be an official JK-4minute website dedicated to this event which will be opening sometime today. You can also check out JKs facebook page for more info as i won't be updating this post or making another one with more info. This was just for those who didn't already know about the concert.

This is all for now but i will definitely be making a comeback on this blog very soon! I have lots of things to post about so please look forward to it :)

Good nights!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Sorry For Disappearing!

I was practicing the art of teleportation with Kai and i guess it took me 2 months to come back LOL

But i am back now and i still have my 3 products to write a review about (if anyone still comes here and is interested LOL). Rather than getting any comments on my newer posts, i've been getting a few on past Infinite merchandises such as their concert goods. I've replied to emails and comments on them but just in case no one checks back. Or if this makes it easier. I will make a official statement about them in this post.

Infinite merchandises from their SECOND INVASION - EVOLUTION concert has mostly been sold out at all stores (both online and in stores). This concert was held near the beginning of 2012 (last year) and they were limited goods so they won't be reproduced either.

I honestly don't know where you can still find them but if anyone else knows of a place then please feel free to leave a response down below so those interested can purchase them :)

But other than that this page has been quiet lol Too quiet.... so i will be bringing it back to life starting off with a BEAST merchandise. I will apologise in advance because this was also a limited collection merchandise and i don't know if they are still being sold anywhere (but i haven't checked).

So stay tuned! :)

OH! And i will be lowering the prices for the Official Infinite Second Invasion - Evolution posters so be sure to check those out!


Thursday 29 November 2012


Just a short post to tease you of what's to come :P
I was a bit hesitant whether i should do a review post on my I.AM Blu Ray DVD Japan Limited or not because first, i can't watch it. Which leaves me to my second reason, i didn't know if i wanted to keep it or not. But i've finally been able to purchase the normal edition which suits my DVD player so now i need your help. Would you guys prefer 2 separate reviews/ posts or should i do a comparison review post?
Or maybe do one each then a 3rd one for comparison.... i haven't thought of what i want to review yet so maybe i'll decide tomorrow when i take some pictures.

I also got my hands on the Beast Limited 'Dedut 3th Anniversary' rings. So pictures and my thoughts and opinions will be coming for that as well.

I'm also trying to figure out what's the go with this blog.... i can't seem to upload anymore pictures because i've reached my limit or something? If anyone knows the answer, please tell me how i can fix it.


Thursday 1 November 2012

EXO Strap

This is nothing too special. It's a EXO strap that i picked up from my KPOP supplier. It's fan made so NOT OFFICIAL!

I love how it doesn't have names on it, only each members logo and there is only one type. Meaning not EXO-K or EXO-M but just EXO. This way, it just makes it easier for me because i hate picking between the 2 :(

I mean... i would have bought 2 (if they came in K&M) but having one strap for all 12 members is better haha

If you're familiar with their logos then you should know that it goes from EXO-K to EXO-M (left to right). But i don't know how the designer arranged each logo within each sub-unit lol It's definitely not by age.... BUT YEAHHH~~~

It's just like any other strap; material wise and design wise so there's not much for me to say~
I carry my work keys on it so it's not too heavy or anything but i'm sure it can hold more keys. Just make sure the string is tied tightly because mine came undone once and it was so hard trying to put it back into the black part.

Super short post =)


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Beast - Midnight Sun Limited Edition

I know i'm way over due with this post but i'm finally free from uni so here it is! I have a few more posts coming up as well so watch out for them =D

This is the Limited Midnight Sun by Beast and i honestly only bought it because of one thing. The red adorable card pouch which will be shown later on in the post!


The above picture shows the piece fully opened up and what some of the contents are. 
It comes with;
- CD
- 12 Photo Cards
- Golden card with unique code
- Red card pouch
- Photobook
- 3D Card
- Screen wiper

OH! I should also mention that on the very first picture. Where you can see white, it glows in the dark! I tried to capture a picture of it but it just wouldn't show up so i guess you'll just have to purchase one for yourself to find out keke

I think the way that this was designed is really nice. I like how it slides out and there are the same designs on both the cover and the album itself. And i also love the fact that it glows in the dark LOL This would be my first KPOP item that glows in the dark. Besides glow sticks but they die out after some time.

So.... the bottom pictures are pretty much self explanatory haha The clear covers that go on top of the two sides have designs on them as well which i like. The pictures below are what you would see when you open it up so i'll just pic spam right now~

The CD is underneath the photobook which is on the left side.

The CD came out more brown than gold on camera but it is definitely gold in person.
So as i said. The red pouch was the thing that convince me to purchase this haha I just find it so adorable and it's one of a kind right? It has the B2ST logo on it as well which makes me not want to use it because this wasn't cheap. I would purchase another one just for the pouch but as i said... it wasn't cheap. If i'm just buying it for the pouch then that wouldn't be worth it. I mean it would... but i'm saving up for something greater (SMTOWN. Hint hint).
The golden card also has a unique code at the front but i photoshoped mine out so it's just plain right there lol

I haven't opened up the screen wiper thing yet (i can't remember what it's actually called). I don't think i will be opening it up anytime soon either because i just want to keep it like that, perfect - forever.

The photocards aren't made out of anything special. It's thin but the pictures on it are AHGDSKFKJS LOLOL Hyunseung is my bias so i'd have to say that he looks the best =)
The ones with the dark backgrounds are the ones with the signatures on back and the back of the white back ground cards all have the same pattern on the back.

 Their photoshoot was beautiful! I love looking at photos and Beast made theirs look so fun and OMG THE SUITS. THE LOVE I HAVE FOR SUITS NO ONE CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND JSHF:OEWY%*P(#WY

And the golden card is placed right on the inside of the photobook so when you open the first page, there it is~~!! It's so beautiful omg i mean... it's GOLD!!! (Not real gold but you know what i mean).

I think the only thing that bothered me at first was that mine wasn't even. If you look at the above picture, that part is just a little bit off which made me paranoid because i thought it would break or something if i wasn't careful. Because that thin layer of paper might not be strong enough to keep both sides flat on the table without breaking right?
If you look at my 2nd picture and another one somewhere within this post (LOL) you can see that i didn't fully lay both faces flat into the table, because i was afraid it would snap or something. So that was my only concern but i've soon found out that it won't break off LOL It's pretty strong so all good! But jsut keep that in mind when buying your copy i guess?

And this is the back view of the album lol The white part on the back also glow in the dark :)

And this is the poster that i chose with my copy of the album! There was 2 to choose from. This formal one and one where the members are enjoying themselves in a outdoors party (if i remember correctly). I chose this one because i have a love for men in suits. They look sexy okay?

Hope you guys enjoyed this quick and very over due review!
