Thursday 29 November 2012


Just a short post to tease you of what's to come :P
I was a bit hesitant whether i should do a review post on my I.AM Blu Ray DVD Japan Limited or not because first, i can't watch it. Which leaves me to my second reason, i didn't know if i wanted to keep it or not. But i've finally been able to purchase the normal edition which suits my DVD player so now i need your help. Would you guys prefer 2 separate reviews/ posts or should i do a comparison review post?
Or maybe do one each then a 3rd one for comparison.... i haven't thought of what i want to review yet so maybe i'll decide tomorrow when i take some pictures.

I also got my hands on the Beast Limited 'Dedut 3th Anniversary' rings. So pictures and my thoughts and opinions will be coming for that as well.

I'm also trying to figure out what's the go with this blog.... i can't seem to upload anymore pictures because i've reached my limit or something? If anyone knows the answer, please tell me how i can fix it.


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