Sunday 18 March 2012

Big Bang - Alive (G-Dragon)

This has got to be the hottest (mini) album out RIGHT NOW!

The left picture is the front cover which is the same for all 6 versions, yes, they have 6 version OTL And i am seriously considering on purchasing all of them. The only problem is my wallet right now but anyways, this is G-Dragons one :)

As you can see, the packaging is very metallic and it looks expensive LOL Or maybe it's just me? The front silver part is actually made out of metal and the parts of blue that can be seen is coming from the photobook inside, so the album logo is actually carved and i don't know the technical name to call it but it's basically a ... hole? But... a shaped hole... (fail). Umm.. LOL The picture of G-Dragon is the bottom part and this is how you open it...

ALIVE is slightly engraved on both sides
So you just simply slide it out and you can see the blue thing is the first item on top :)

The contents inside (I forgot to include to the photocard...)
I love the way this has been packaged! It's so beautiful and different from any album that i have owned, and i own a lot of nicely packaged albums!

Warning: The metal casing is a bit oily so you might want to be careful with that just in case you spread oil to the other items such as the photobook and that black booklet.

The disc is so beautiful! I can't really make out whether those are just patterns or butterflies though =/
Since this is GD's version, the disc has his initials printed on it.
Track List
1. Alive (Intro)
2. Blue
3. 사랑먼지 (Love Dust)
4. Bad Boy
5. 재미없어 (Ain't No Fun)
6. Fantastic Baby
7. 날개 (Wings) DaeSung Solo

The tracks are listed on the bottom of the package.
Big Bang had released 3 MV's from this album prior to releasing this album; Blue, Bad Boy and Fantastic Baby. [Big Bang's Official Youtube Channel]

The ALIVE logo on top of the CD
The songs are so beautiful! I feel like i'm describing it with beautiful a lot but it is honestly so... beautiful lol Should i use another word? DAEBAK~~! 대박 ~~!

Okay, more about the contents lol

G-Dragon's Photobook
GD ALIVE logo :)
Back of the photobook with the BB logo
You can definitely see that the colour theme is metallic silver, which matches well with their frozen, cold concept. There are 32 pages in this photobook and only 2 of the pictures inside are group photos, the rest are of G-Dragon lol

One of the many photos within the album :)
The pages of the book isn't thin like normal paper, they are actually thicker so hence it was kind of hard to flip through the pages without bending the cover LOL I like to keep my things new and perfect so yeah~
OH OH! The photobook is quite a mission to take out at first, remember that blue thing you see when you first open the package? Yeah, that blue thing hugs the photobook so tight T__T It's plastic and there's bubble features on it, quite nice. You have to pull your photobook out from which ever end you choose with care lol But the chances of ripping he book will be low since they used heavy duty paper to produce it ^^

Credits booklet
This is more like a pamphlet style, it has the credits for each song and Thank You messages (?) from Big Bang. I can't read Korean but i'm pretty sure they included thank you based o on what i can read from the cover LOL
You can't really see in my picture but i transferred some oil from the case to this :(
And it doesn't help since it's black as well *Sighh

It also comes with G-Dragons photo card which is forgot to take a picture of lol (I must have put it with the rest of my photo cards as soon as i got home) but it's made out of plastic. All the photocards that i have owned so far is either made out of thick, nice feeling paper (Infinite, SNSD) or thin smooth paper (SHINee) but this one is actually made out of plastic so yeah. Different.

And i also got the poster which is HUGE!!!! The poster would probably be 2x larger than my Infinite Season Greetings one.

I honestly wasn't planning on getting the poster because 1. i don't even have room for my Infinite and Beast posters and 2. i didn't really like what i see. But the owner said he would give me it for free ^^
THANK YOU~! I'll find a place for it soon LOL

And yeah... this is the end LOL I'll have to edit this post some other time to add the photo card in or something.

VIP Forever!

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