Thursday 29 November 2012


Just a short post to tease you of what's to come :P
I was a bit hesitant whether i should do a review post on my I.AM Blu Ray DVD Japan Limited or not because first, i can't watch it. Which leaves me to my second reason, i didn't know if i wanted to keep it or not. But i've finally been able to purchase the normal edition which suits my DVD player so now i need your help. Would you guys prefer 2 separate reviews/ posts or should i do a comparison review post?
Or maybe do one each then a 3rd one for comparison.... i haven't thought of what i want to review yet so maybe i'll decide tomorrow when i take some pictures.

I also got my hands on the Beast Limited 'Dedut 3th Anniversary' rings. So pictures and my thoughts and opinions will be coming for that as well.

I'm also trying to figure out what's the go with this blog.... i can't seem to upload anymore pictures because i've reached my limit or something? If anyone knows the answer, please tell me how i can fix it.


Thursday 1 November 2012

EXO Strap

This is nothing too special. It's a EXO strap that i picked up from my KPOP supplier. It's fan made so NOT OFFICIAL!

I love how it doesn't have names on it, only each members logo and there is only one type. Meaning not EXO-K or EXO-M but just EXO. This way, it just makes it easier for me because i hate picking between the 2 :(

I mean... i would have bought 2 (if they came in K&M) but having one strap for all 12 members is better haha

If you're familiar with their logos then you should know that it goes from EXO-K to EXO-M (left to right). But i don't know how the designer arranged each logo within each sub-unit lol It's definitely not by age.... BUT YEAHHH~~~

It's just like any other strap; material wise and design wise so there's not much for me to say~
I carry my work keys on it so it's not too heavy or anything but i'm sure it can hold more keys. Just make sure the string is tied tightly because mine came undone once and it was so hard trying to put it back into the black part.

Super short post =)


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Beast - Midnight Sun Limited Edition

I know i'm way over due with this post but i'm finally free from uni so here it is! I have a few more posts coming up as well so watch out for them =D

This is the Limited Midnight Sun by Beast and i honestly only bought it because of one thing. The red adorable card pouch which will be shown later on in the post!


The above picture shows the piece fully opened up and what some of the contents are. 
It comes with;
- CD
- 12 Photo Cards
- Golden card with unique code
- Red card pouch
- Photobook
- 3D Card
- Screen wiper

OH! I should also mention that on the very first picture. Where you can see white, it glows in the dark! I tried to capture a picture of it but it just wouldn't show up so i guess you'll just have to purchase one for yourself to find out keke

I think the way that this was designed is really nice. I like how it slides out and there are the same designs on both the cover and the album itself. And i also love the fact that it glows in the dark LOL This would be my first KPOP item that glows in the dark. Besides glow sticks but they die out after some time.

So.... the bottom pictures are pretty much self explanatory haha The clear covers that go on top of the two sides have designs on them as well which i like. The pictures below are what you would see when you open it up so i'll just pic spam right now~

The CD is underneath the photobook which is on the left side.

The CD came out more brown than gold on camera but it is definitely gold in person.
So as i said. The red pouch was the thing that convince me to purchase this haha I just find it so adorable and it's one of a kind right? It has the B2ST logo on it as well which makes me not want to use it because this wasn't cheap. I would purchase another one just for the pouch but as i said... it wasn't cheap. If i'm just buying it for the pouch then that wouldn't be worth it. I mean it would... but i'm saving up for something greater (SMTOWN. Hint hint).
The golden card also has a unique code at the front but i photoshoped mine out so it's just plain right there lol

I haven't opened up the screen wiper thing yet (i can't remember what it's actually called). I don't think i will be opening it up anytime soon either because i just want to keep it like that, perfect - forever.

The photocards aren't made out of anything special. It's thin but the pictures on it are AHGDSKFKJS LOLOL Hyunseung is my bias so i'd have to say that he looks the best =)
The ones with the dark backgrounds are the ones with the signatures on back and the back of the white back ground cards all have the same pattern on the back.

 Their photoshoot was beautiful! I love looking at photos and Beast made theirs look so fun and OMG THE SUITS. THE LOVE I HAVE FOR SUITS NO ONE CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND JSHF:OEWY%*P(#WY

And the golden card is placed right on the inside of the photobook so when you open the first page, there it is~~!! It's so beautiful omg i mean... it's GOLD!!! (Not real gold but you know what i mean).

I think the only thing that bothered me at first was that mine wasn't even. If you look at the above picture, that part is just a little bit off which made me paranoid because i thought it would break or something if i wasn't careful. Because that thin layer of paper might not be strong enough to keep both sides flat on the table without breaking right?
If you look at my 2nd picture and another one somewhere within this post (LOL) you can see that i didn't fully lay both faces flat into the table, because i was afraid it would snap or something. So that was my only concern but i've soon found out that it won't break off LOL It's pretty strong so all good! But jsut keep that in mind when buying your copy i guess?

And this is the back view of the album lol The white part on the back also glow in the dark :)

And this is the poster that i chose with my copy of the album! There was 2 to choose from. This formal one and one where the members are enjoying themselves in a outdoors party (if i remember correctly). I chose this one because i have a love for men in suits. They look sexy okay?

Hope you guys enjoyed this quick and very over due review!


Tuesday 11 September 2012

NU'EST - Action

So... how long ago did this album come out? Don't worry. I have another late post which should be up soon.... very soon (in other words, not soon). But lets take a look at NU'ESTs First Mini Album Action!

When you first open it up, the picture above is what you see. Kind of. It comes with a photocard and it's hidden away inside one of the pages of the photo booklet - which is attached to the album.

This is the front and back of the album cover (respectively). It's a normal sized album and it's made out of heavy duty cardboard! Nothing too special about the packaging and as you can see from the front cover, you flip it upwards to open it.

A close up of my photocard :) I originally got JR and my friend got Ren but we traded each other because her bias is JR and mine is the beautiful RenRen! Isn't he so adorable? kekeke I'm not a fan of trading but i was hoping that Ren could sign on it as well so yeah. They came down to Sydney for a fan meet on the 24 August. But it's a shame he didn't get to sign it :(

And this is the CD!!! It's just simply stuck onto the 2nd part of the inside lol I honestly don't really know what else to say.... what you see is pretty much self explanatory =/

A few pictures of pictures now LOL From the photobook that it comes with~

I would of taken a solo shot of Ren but i think Baekho stole a big part of my heart! He is so so perfect in real life and everything wonderful. Seriously. Ren looks so much more manlier in real life and Baekho was just a god in all his perfection. His skin is very nice and his eye smiles are to die for!

And this is the last part/ picture~
The poster! harharhar The colour of it is a little bit paled out but my lighting just made it worst. The images aren't that great this time around so i apologise :(
I wanted to just get this out of the way =___= Uni and work is killing me right now and i basically have no time for anything else. True story.

I'm still waiting for EXOs comeback as well! Arghh the wait is killing me!
But anyways, i'll be back with a Beast update soon.


Wednesday 22 August 2012

I'm Still Alive!!!

Hi everyone! Hope you all haven't forgotten about me~
Uni has been giving me so much stress lately but in all honesty, i haven't bought anything since the last time i posted haha

Truth be told, NU'EST is actually coming down to Sydney this coming Friday so i decided to purchase their album. Yes, i'm guilty of not purchasing it in the first place but hey~ At least i have it now right? ^_^
I also got myself a copy of Beast's Limited Edition Midnight Sun so i will do product reviews side by side within the next coming weeks.

EXO will also be having their comeback within the next month so you can expect a review for their album as well! But for now, enjoy these preview shots as i prepare a review for them. I haven't taken any proper pictures yet because of my work load but i'm hoping to do it next Wednesday then have the posts up by Wednesday night or Thursday night. I'll probably have the NU'EST review up first because it came out eras ago HAHAHA

The red card holder would be the most attracting item from the Beast set, in my opinion. I would honestly grab another set just for that (only i have no money right now uhuhu).

I'm also thinking of selling my Infinite Second Invasion - Evolution Concert Posters if anyone is interested. And no, they haven't been used. I have no wall space for them and they are in perfect condition so if anyone is interested, let me know and i'll write up a official post to sell them (like what i did with the Sungyeol card - which he now has a loving owner, thank you to everyone who was interested!!).

Well that's it for now :)
I'll be back, next week!


Thursday 14 June 2012

SOLD! Infinite - BTD JAP: Sungyeol Photocard

These are the limited edition version A & B packages from Japan. Although, i'm only selling the photocard LOLOL Because i have 2 of Sungyeol and i don't know what to do with him (besides stare at him) but one is enough =3

I really doubt i would be able to let go of the whole set because one comes with a DVD and the other comes with a photo booklet. And i got mine for a really high price (too high in fact). So i doubt that anyone would want to purchase them off me if i were to sell them at that rate lol

So for the photo card. I ONLY have Sungyeol and i ONLY have 2 of him. So i would only be selling ONE.

This is the official photocard that is found from either version A or B from BTD Jap. Again, i'm only selling one and it will be sent out from Australia.

It will be $20 AUD.
Without shipping. 

If you are interested, please send an email to with the subject heading “BTD Sungyeol Photocard”

Include your name and country. COUNTRY only so that i could calculate the shipping fees and what not. And if you have any questions etc you may ask them as well :)

The first person to email me will have 5 days to make a payment through PAYPAL. I will only be accepting payment through paypal and the photocard will be shipped out once the payment has been made.

And i think that's pretty much it.

Thanks guys!

Infinite - Infinitize

Infinite is finally back with a new mini album! This one is called Infinitize and guess what? I've definitly been Infinitize ^^

I know this came out like... probably a month ago? Australia get their stock late and i even lagged this post due to uni and my life happenings so... i would assume that most (if not all) Inspirits would have already collected all the CDs? HAHA
Well anyway, here is my take on the album =)

Back Cover
Outside Cover Opened Up

I really like the CD. As in... the design of the CD LOL I know, i'm weird but it's so pretty~~~
Its got this mirror reflection thingy which i really love. I think these kind of designs are really simple yet classy and it can look really great depending on how you use the design and material.

Honestly, i wasn't really a big fan of the new logo when i first saw it. It reminded me of a simple brush stroke made by Illustrator but i guess after looking at it after some time, it doesn't really bother me anymore. They could of came up with a better logo concept though.

The packaging is made out of this material which i don't know the name for, but i believe it's the same material as the 2012 diary from the season greetings package? This is only based on my memory because i'm too lazy to get my diary out to compare them but i feel like if i dropped it, it would get dirty really easily. Because i dropped my diary once and it got black on the spots that hit the ground and it wouldn't come off =__=

I haven't dropped my Infinitze yet and i don't intend to. But if anyone wants to test it out, please let me know how you went =D

Here is a close up of the beautiful beautiful CD which i absolutely love ^^

Track List
1. Infinitize
2. The Chaser
3. Feels So Bad
4. 그해여름 (In The Summer)
5. 눈물만 (Only Tears)
6. 니가좋다 (I Like You)
7. With...

Oh guess what, i realised a con with the mirror reflection CD. Finger prints!!! Not that anyone would need to stamp their fingers prints on the disc to get it out of the package or whatever but if you accidentally touch it - it might leave a slight mark. It shouldn't be too noticable... depending on how sweaty your fingers are =S But just throwing it out there. And i also like my things to be perfectly.. well perfect. So even the slightest finger prints would bother me lol

Whats special about each disc is that they all have a hidden message by ONE member. Meaning, each disc would contain 1 of 7 members secret voice message. There are 7 to collect and you would only be able to find out whose message you got by listening to the disc (the last track). But apparently there's a secret code at the back of each disc that would tell you whose message that you got? I didn't really look into that but i saw a fanbase comment on it.

I got Woohyuns message and it's so cute!!! He threw hearts at me towards the end ^^
I listened to theo ther members message through youtube afterwards and i really liked Dongwoos message! The end was so adorable HAHA But yeah.... LOL

Here are some pictures xD

The sun went down really quickly so i'm really disappointed in the lighting and such but i really wanted to get this post up. If i get a chance, i'll retake them and make a new post with a link to that post somewhere here [link?] LOL

Sungyeol has a line of piercings! I am absolutely loving him with long hair. I think i'm really loving the long hair image from males now =3
First Sungyeol and now Chanyeol from EXO HAHA And Kai tied his hair up during SMTOWN Taiwan! But lets not get into that ^-^"

OH OH I algot to mention, the photobook is stuck to the left cover of the album. The paper is yellow-ish. No big deal but i think it's recycled paper? The pictures look really good but some of their outfits are... not so my style. Don't shoot me.

Here's the last picture that comes with the album (bought separately). The poster!

As i said, bad lighting. Sungyeol is not supposed to be that dark compared to everyone else. But the poster is somewhere black and white?

I haven't posted in so long that i forgot what i usually talk about when doing these reviews/ whatever you want to call them. I hope it was okay =/

But that's all from me, hope you guys enjoy~


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Might Sell Some Infinite Photocards... Maybe!

I'm still hesitating on whether i should sell my BTD Jap Sungyeol card or not. Since i have 2 so i wouldn't mind selling one off but would anyone be interested? I got my copy for a pretty high price so the card won't come cheap. Maybe around $35 AUD or something because i really do need my money back as well.

And i think i saw someone selling their L and Hoya card for $45? O___O I can't remember and i don't even know if anyone bought it LOL But that would be my price. WITHOUT shipping. But shipping shouldn't cost too much anyway. Or will it? I don't know....

I also have 2 Sungjong cards from the Paradise album? =S Does anyone out love there Sungjong?!?! LOL He would be cheaper though! Around $15? =S

If anyone is interested then please comment below or send me a email and i'll post up a official post to sell them off including prices and what not. And i guess the first person to confirm that they want to buy it would have the upper hand? LOL But that's for later. I just want to know if anyone is interested in the first place ^^"

And just a quick update, i'll be posting my Infinitize post up real soon! LOL I've been real busy with my uni projects and everything so i haven't had the time to take pictures or anything. But i'm sure everyone has the album now?

Anyway, let me know in the comment section or email me! :)


Thursday 24 May 2012

EXO - MAMA Photo Cards That I Have

Hi guys!!!! Long time no blog lol Sorry, it's just that i haven't bought anything in the past few weeks so there wasn't really any products for me to review/ talk about. Once again, i'm a very poor student but hopefully i can change that soon (currently looking for a job lol).

Since there are a new set of photo Cards going around, i suppose i should just get this post done because in all honesty.... i can't afford to buy 30+ albums. It's just too much money and that would send me out on the streets. So... without further a do, if anyone still cares about these old ones. Here are the ones that i have! (Or my 3rd one since i blogged about the other 2 already).

YES!!! I got myself a little panda ^^
Isn't our Maknae cute? keke

I took this on my bed so excuse the pink background LOL

I don't think my provider has the latest batch of albums either so i doubt the new ones would be in stores, from where i am. So that is what's stopping me from purchasing more albums as well. And as i said, there are 30 photo cards out right now so it's impossible for me to collect all of them in the first place. Plus i'm not a fan of trading so i would need to buy 30+ and what knot lol

But yeah! Just a short post but never fear! I have another one coming right up~

Can anyone guess what i bought? bwahahaha, please anticipate!


Tuesday 1 May 2012


Since my EXO-M post was up a few days ago, I will assume that you guys would have already seen it and know about the contents and stuff right? EXO-K’s album is very similar! The only difference is the pictures and that’s pretty much it. So I guess this post will have less text but just as much pictures as my other post because I took the same shots :)

But just a brief introduction if you have not seen the other post. This is EXO – K’s first mini album titled MAMA. 

And OH!!!! I forgot to mention this in my other post but i will do so in this one. 

EXO-M members: Kris, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen and Tao.
EXO-K members: Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyoel, D.O, Kai and Sehun.

And i guess that's it, lets get right into the pictures.

The top 2 pictures are of the front and back covers, respectively. And the bottom 4 would be the opening process LOL Aren't i bothered?

And the hexagon cardboard that hugs both the CD and the photobook has a photograph on the outside and lyrics of each son, on each triangle on the inside. And if you like, you can also stick it up on your walls! I'm loving the fact that Suho is rubbing his lips ♥

If it wasn't for seeing Luhan first, i think Suho would have definitely been my top member!

And now for the CD. As i mentioned in my other post, the CD colour (either black or white) corresponds to the outside album cover. And EXO-K's cover was white so their CD is white. But then the CD cover would be the opposite! LOL I don't even know if this makes sense but K's one is black while M's one is white? =/

Anyway... pictures LOL

Just like EXO-M's CD, the design is practically the same except for the colour difference. And once again, the tracks are listed on the CD, located in the middle on the right side :)

Track List
2. What Is Love
4. 너의 세상으로 (Angel)
5. 두 개의 달이 뜨는 밤 (Two Moons) ft. SHINee's Key
6. Machine

The left picture is of the front and the second is of the back. And the back of the CD cover has the credits as well. the cross is actually silver if you didn't know. A metallic silver!

Okay moving on~
Photobook time!!

This is the cover of the photobook! And following on the bottom would be one of my favourite pages :) My favourite page is the whole booklet and this is just one of the pages! LOL

And i'm just going to mention how the front cover of EXO-M's booklet and their poster is the same photograph, but EXO-K has 2 separate pictures! I don't know.. just putting it out there lol

Sexy Suho ~~♥
 And now, the most exciting thing about each album and the only reason why anyone would want to buy more than 1 copy of each. THE PHOTOCARD!

So I was lucky enough to have the Group picture in my EXO – M album! And in this album, I got myself an D.Owl ^^ 
Isn’t he cute? Keke

And here are the 2 cards in comparison! I actually have one more card because i bought another M album but i think i will show it in another post.

I will probably do another post on all my cards once i am sure that i don't need anymore albums LOL Because there are 15 cards in total to collect and they cost me around $18 each. So that comes to a total of $270 for 15 albums and i just don't have the sort of funds. Plus it's not guaranteed that you will get a different card in each album that you buy. I was just lucky to have not got any doubles... yet ^^

But anyways, the 2 cards in comparison~

And my last product picture is of the poster! TA-DAHHH I think Suho looks the best in this picture as well :D 

And that brings us to the end of another post! Don't forget to comment! Tell me what cards you guys got or what cards you would like to get ^^

I was browsing through eBay the other day and saw Infinite's BTD cards selling at over $30 each :O
I only have Sungyeol but i have 2 of him. Would any inspirits be interested? =S If i decide to sell mine then it'll be in a separate post!

Ending this one now! Don't forget to check out my EXO-M post if you haven't already!
