Saturday 31 December 2011

[REQUESTED] Infinite - Season Greetings 2012 Diary

And here i am with my scans pictures from Infinite's Season Greetings 2012 Diary!
I tried my best to get the pictures as perfect as possible, and it didn't look bad when viewing on my camera but when i brought it up on my computer.... err =S
LOL But none the less, here they are!

Original post

Front cover and spine
First few pages of the diary.


Last few pages.

And this is where my picture spam would begin ^^

There are 2 sections of this diary; A monthly planner and a weekly planner section.
There are a total of 12 photos in the first section, for each of the months but i don't know why i forgot to take one of Hoya's page, GRRRRR But his one would be in between Sunggyu and the group picture.

L, being the visual, starts off both the monthly and weekly planner. I have taken a full shot of that so you guys can see what it looks like, the rest are ONLY pictures. 

For your.... comfort? LOL Click on the first picture and navigate through, there won't be any text from here on out so yeah ^^



Happy New Year everyone ^^

Thursday 29 December 2011

Girls' Generation - The Boys

I know i'm so late in posting this and if anyone was to purchase 'this' album, it would be preferable to purchase the repackage one titled "Mr. Taxi". But better late than never ay?
For the sake of having this included in my categories list, here is my post~

I honestly couldn't pass out on purchasing this specially designed packaging. Holy crap, this is so different and unique. Or at least, the albums that i have previously owned have never been made out of tin. SM really paid attention to detail, there are also some parts that pop out and it's just so special! It feels nice too :D

Left: Front. Right: Back
Track list
1. The Boys
2. Telepathy
3. Say Yes
4. Trick
5. How Great Is Your Love
6. My
7. Oscar
8. Top Secret
9. Lazy Girl
10. Sunflower
11. Vitamin
12. Mr Taxi (Korean Ver.)

A closer look at the details keke Isn't it pretty?
I think the best design would have to be the CD! I don't know how to explain this... but i'll try? Hmm.. It's like a mirror LOL You can see your own reflection? LMAOS Err... it's just really pretty in general =/
I know i know, i suck at describing but i'm trying my best ><

Here's a picture anyway!

Very detailed and pretty right? ^^
There's a texture on it as well, it feels nice lmaos

Here is a picture of the postcards that are included with this package. There is one for each individual member and a group shot.

They are as big as the album case package
And if any of you guys are a hardcore Sone, i suggest you skip this part but.... THEY COME WITH INDIVIDUAL PHOTOCARDS! LOL
So each album will come with a photocard of a chosen member and guess how many members are there in SNSD?! LOL

Good luck to whoever is trying to collect all 9 cards ='D
But apparently people are selling them online? On eBay i heard?
My friend found an account that sold them for over $100 but another friend of mine said it shouldn't be overly expensive. I don't know but you guys can check that out.

I was lucky enough to get my bias in one shot so i'm happy ^^

Jessica ~~~ :D
And with every album, there would of course be a poster to match. Here is the group picture!

Don't they look so..... majestic?
*Le sigh! SM also came out with INDIVIDUAL posters for the girls which i didn't purchase :(
If i were to get one, it would definitely be YoonA, she looks... oh goodness, how can someone look as perfect as she does! I actually did purchase YoonA's individual poster but that was a gift for my friend ^^

YoonA looks so fiercefull,  i just had to take a picture! LOL

OH OH! One more picture before i end this post.

Olden style~
Left one is a lyrics pan flip and the right one is the item cover thing. It hugs all the postcards and lyrics pan flip together :)

And that is all for this post!! ^^

I GOT MY FIRST COMMENT ON THIS BLOG OMG TEARS EVERYWHERE. And i know it's not one of my friends LOL I don't know how you found this blog but sure! I'll get to that as soon as possible ^^
Maybe within the next 2 days or so? I still have to do a post on my precious Kool Magazine. It's the best magazine i have ever owned, seriously.

I have also pre-ordered  Beast 1st concert 'Welcome To B2ST Airline' so you guys can look forward to that post as well =D
It will be released on the 12th of January next year but i would still be on vacation at that time, i get back on the 28th~ Then i would have to travel to the City to pick it up. But i would most definitely watch it straight away so i can do a review or something =D

Leaving in a few days ughhhh Haven't finished packing yet. We can bring up to 20KG, that's a bit less isn't it? Other airlines allow you to bring up to 30KG or something like that, oh wells.

Have a great night everyone!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Infinite - Season Greetings 2012

Box package ^^
Even the box is just so beautiful! I was so so happy when i got this~
My dad trolled me, he kept holding it, asking me what it was and he wouldn't let me hold it. But he eventually gave it to me OTL

I think this post will be mainly full of pictures because my spazz's will be endless and it won't make any sense LOL

The whole package
Desk calender + bag
2012 diary
Group and individual cards
Sticker sheet

Some pictures for your satisfactions ^^
Note: Some of the colour look faded because it is. Maybe their printers were running out of ink :(
Or that was the concept style they were going for? LOL

My lover ♥
I love YaDong ♥
Left: desk calendar. Right: 2012 Diary.
The pictures for the desk calendar is so perfection! Seriously, i have never seen anything so beautiful
INFINITE 대박 ♥ ♥ ♥

This is a better picture of the poster. It's the same picture as the front cover of the desk calendar so i took a picture of that instead because there's no wrinkles on that lol

The only different on the poster is that, instead of just the Infinite logo, their names are printed as well. I have a picture of that down below on the bottom right corner ^^

Le 2012 diary ~
I'm not going to use my diary LOL Please.... it's an official Infinite 2012 diary. I'm not going to scribble any ink on those pages!
However... i did drop it while i was taking these pictures >-<
I don't know what they used to make the diary cover but my top part is dirty now :( There's like... dirt stuck on it or something and it won't come off. WHAT KIND OF MATERIAL DID YOU MANUFACTURERS USE TO MAKE THESE DIARIES?!?! DAMMIT, MINE ISN'T FULL WHITE ANYMORE *CRIESS

This was on my desk last night~

He knows when i am sleeping, he knows when i'm awake
Q: What method do you use to attract girls?
L: Looking and protecting her from afar, a bit like a stalker -laughs-
∞: Pervert!

LOL So just like how L said he would look and protect his girlfriend aka ME from afar, i let him watch me sleep last night LOLOLOL
My laptop desk and practically that side of the table (like in the picture) is facing my bed so yes, he was literally watching me sleep last night :D

They all look so amazing!
But i changed it to this page tonight because i like this picture too ^^

Since i go on vacation from the 2nd of Jan next year til the 28th. That means i don't get to see L's solo shoot :( So i might as well enjoy it now right? lol

OH! The diary is filled with pictures as well! Very very pretty hot and sexy pictures ^^
Of course i only took a snippet of them, if you guys want to see the full thing, you gotta get yourselves your own copy ne? :P

Enjoy your nights!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Infinite - Paradise Repackage

My first Korean album and many, many more to come.
Oh! Did i mention, i also have 5 of the same copies?

Left to Right: Hoya, Woohyun, L, Sungjong x2
I bought 4 and got Woohyun, L and Sungjong x2 photocards. The 5th one was for my birthday (Frankie) and THAT ONE CAME WITH HOYA OMFG *SPAZZ ATTACK %^$&p%yp*($wyt*$wy%*p($

Isn't he just so perfection? Haha ='D HOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~<3

But apparently if i wait long enough, future albums won't come with photocards anymore and then i can sell them for a higher price ^^ But i would only be willing to give Sungjong away since i have 2 of him. Hoya, Woohyun and L ARE MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEee And one of Sungjong, but we'll see ^^

Track list
1. Over The Top
2. 내꺼하자 (Be Mine)
3. Paradise
4. Cover Girl
5. 3분의 1 (A Third Part)
6. Tic Toc
7. Julia
8. Because
9. 시간아 (Stop The Time)
10. Amazing
11. Crying
12. Real Story
13. 내꺼하자 Remix Ver. (Be Mine Remix Ver.)
14. Hidden Track


These 2 posters also came with the album, one came with the album and one was bought separately.

Came with album - hence the folded lines

Separate Purchase

And once again, the photobook was truly magical~! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*♥:・゚✧
Or in Hoya's case (ノ●_●)ノ*:・゚’✿。・:*:・  kekeke Hoya throwing glitters xD

Oh oh ahhhhh~~ I forgot to speak about the packaging. Very unique packaging lol
If you guys can see in the first photo, it's like a box lmaos It's actually made out of card board. And when you open it (from the back) The first thing you see is the photcard on top of the folded poster which is on top of the photobook. And inside the photobook on the last page, is the CD.
The last page of the photobook has a 3rd flap which allowed the CD is be hugged by the photo book, if you understand what i mean? No?

I just needed to put this post up so it can be added to my Infinite collection in the categories LOL I might do a post on the Girls Generation The Boys CD as well. And then that would conclude all the CD's that i have as of this moment.
Very small collection right? It will expand ^^
You can be sure of that LOL

The night is still young~

Monday 12 December 2011

B2ST - Fiction and Fact

Soooooo BEAST!
Kekeke YAYAYYAYYYYY Beast is the B2ST ^^

This package is so magical, so so magical! It feels so nice lmaos Not that i'm rubbing it or anything *looks away xD
The texture is niceeee, i like it, like it, like it lmaos I think every time i like something, i'll be singing a part of B1A4's Beautiful Target :L

You can't see it clearly in the picture but there are gold particles in the eyes, teeth and around the face of the... err animal? Tiger? Beast? Should i check this up before i type? Be right back...

*5 minutes later..
It doesn't say so i'll just assume the animal is a Beast because i want it to be a Beast ^^ Because this album is by Beast LOL

Track List
1. The Fact
2. Fiction
3. Back To You
4. You
5. Freeze
6. Virus
7. 불러보지만 (Lit. Though I Call)
8. 비가 오는 날엔 (On Rainy Days)
9. Lightless (Unplugged Ver.)
10. Fiction (Orchestra Ver.)

Judging by the page numbers, i'll say that the photobook is 43 pages. It's stuck to the case package and the pictures are soooo awesome OMG Hyunseung you perfection piece of perfect perfection UGHH TOO PERFECTION- - - I love you ♥

I just realised where my thumb is located T_T LOL Woops....
Fiction, in fiction, in fiction~
Frankie also got me Infinite's Paradise which will be in a separate post LMAOS Girls Generations The Boys Group Poster and a card which had $50 inside omg..... you gave wayyy too much Frankie ><
The gifts were expected LMAOS You made it too obvious that you were going to get me Paradise and Fiction and Fact plus the poster. But the Money was totally unexpected and not necessary. The albums were enough ^^"

This was also my first Beast CD LOL

Should i write up another post? I'm on a roll today~

SHINee - Juliette Ver. B Limited

This CD package which i love so very much was from Amanda ^^

My first SHINee CD <3
This was also the best surprise gift this year <3

Here's a picture of the front and back cover. The photobook has the same cover as the outside cover so yeahh.

Left: Front. Right: Back
I forgot to take a picture of the disc cover with my SLR so here's one from my phone~
Low quality and Bad lighting :( Sorry.
I got Onew's one and i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it! I was smiling to myself like an idiot last night LMAOS I tweeted a picture and posted it on fb to share my joy and haaa~ ='D

Isn't he just so PERFECT?!?!
Track list
1. Juliette
2. Kiss Kiss Kiss
3. Juliette (Korean)
4. Kiss Kiss Kiss (Instrumental)

1. Juliette
2. Juliette (Dance Ver.)
3. Juliette (Teaser)

Jonghyun used to be my bias but ever since Hello Baby. I equally love all of the Shining SHINee boys with all my heart ♥
I mean... the piece of my heart where SHINee belongs, they equally share that part of it LOL

The photobook is 68 pages xO and it is filled with gorgeous pictures and holy mother of goddesses i love SHINee so much ='D They are so perfect guys, they are so perfect. They are one of the many groups whom i love so much LOL
I only took a picture of one of the pages, but all the pictures inside are so beautiful ~<3

I think my heart still goes out to Jonghyun, i don't know.
I haven't watched the DVD yet LMAOS Actually, i haven't watched Infinte's BTD Jap one yet either. FOR SHAME X(
But i will get to it! For both of them!!

Here are 2 more pictures to end my post.

CD and DVD
Song for my Juliette! UH!
<3 you Amanda ~